Reflexology is a science which deals with the principle that there are reflex areas in the feet and hands which correspond to all of the glands, organs and parts of the body. Stimulating these reflexes properly can help many health problems in a natural way, a type of preventative maintenance. Reflexology is a serious advance in the health field and should not be confused with massage. Reflexology is a natural therapy using tactile stimulation, applied with varying degrees of pressure to the feet and hands, which reflect the organs of the body. Its purpose is not to treat or diagnose for any specific medical disorder, but to promote better health and well being in the same way as an exercise or diet program.
Reflexology Websites:
Integrative Reflexology This site offers information on Claire Miller’s method of reflexology, products, workshops, student stories, certified practitioners in the area and more. Integrative Reflexology® is Claire Marie Miller's inspired methods, charts, and protocols for stimulating the reflexology points on the feet, hands, and ears. Taught to over 10,000 massage therapists since 1993, this method is loved by the therapists who want to practice reflexology while preserving their thumb's integrity. "It's magic the way the muscle melts with this simple reflex technique."
International Institute of Reflexology This site offers information on the original Ingham method and training programs by the International Institute of Reflexology, based in St. Petersburgh, FL. It also has recommended products for hand and foot reflexology.
Laura Norman Wellness This site offers information on the Laura Norman Method and the Laura Norman Wellness Center which offers a full 200 hour professional program and 3 and 6 day courses for midwives and doulas.
American Academy of Reflexology This site offers information on the Bill Flocco method, American Academy of Reflexology, Los Angeles, CA. He specialized in integrated hand, foot and ear reflexology. He was responsible for the PMS Study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1993.
JLM Educational Training The Interface of Reflexology, Massage and the 12 Meridians and 5 Elements. Lilian Tibshraeny-Morten. Open to all healthcare professionals.